"Madame de Pompadour" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

"Diana After the Hunt I" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 36".

"Spring" (after Boucher) 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 36".

​"Pan and Syrinx" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

"​Madame de Pompadour" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

"Diana After the Hunt II, The Kiss"(after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 36".

​Prices Upon Request/Dimensions can Vary 

"Summer" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 36".

"Leda and the Swan" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

"Madame de Bergeret" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

"Allegory of Poetry" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

​"Allegory of Music" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print. 24" x 30".

"Allegory of Painting" (after Boucher). 2022. Digitally produced print, 24" x 36".